1. Go to EMAR


2. Click on the Pharmacy Icon

  • You will notice a Red dot indicating you have unresolved messages to address


3. Find the Type of Message Discontinue Medication to Resolve

  • Click the Action (...) button and click Resolve to continue with adding the medication


4. Look over the Discontinue information

  • Make sure the drug name is correct and on the current med list that needs to be discontinued
  • The Discontinue date is very important as that will stop the signing of that medication from the Med Pass - If you get an error not being able to discontinue the medication, refer to this Artical
    • Link


5. Select the medication on the list that needs to be discontinued


6. Fill out the correct DC date, who and why

  • Select one of the options to pre-fill the date and time when to Discontinue the Med
    • Message - will pre-fill the date and time from the pharmacy message date
    • Medication - will pre-fill the last time the medication was given
    • Today - will pre-fill the current date and time of today
  • Why do you want to discontinue the medication? - Write down the reason for the discontinuation, if you don't know what to put, consult with the doctor.
  • Discontinued by - Who wrote the order to discontinue the Med (Physician, Doctor)


7. Submit to continue the Discontinuation

  • Double-check the datetime, reason, and who ordered the discontinuation
    • Click Submit to Resolve the Message


8. Review the Discontinue order

  • Notice how 8:00 PM is grayed out? That is because the discontinue date was set before 8 PM
    • If the date and time were set before the 8th, the gray box would be pushed to the selected time and date.

If you find that the Discontinue date is wrong, Restore the Medication and Re-Discontinue the medication with the correct date and time.