1. Select a Resident

  • Select: the resident to record a Vital


2. Head over to Health Monitor

  • Click: Health Monitor icon


3. Choose a Vital to Chart

  • Calendar: back date a Vital as needed by clicking the Today icon to select a backdate
  • Generate: a Report by clicking Vital Statistics
  • Add Value: click the + Add to enter a Vital


4. Vital Information

  • Blood Pressure: In this example, you enter the Blood Pressure of the Resident
    • Select Manual to indicate you took it with a stethoscope
  • Documented Date and Time: change this information when the reading was taken
    • Can always be changed later


5. View and Edit Vital

  • Click: the ^ symbol to view more info on the vital entry
    • Click the 3 Dots Action button to view more options
  • Edit: to change the info on the vital
  • Duplicate from: will take that vital and make a copy to then change the info 
  • Delete: permanintly delete the entry and start over


6. Vital Statistics

  • Choose: the month you wish to draw a report on
    • You can select a range of time
  • Select: the vitals you wish to include in that report
    • Can select more than one
  • Print: out the report on the selected Vitals
    • Send By to fax a health professionalÂ