1. Go to EMAR
2. Click on the Pharmacy Icon
- You will notice a Red dot indicating you have unresolved messages to address
3. Find the Type of Message Add/Edit Medication to Resolve
- Click the Action (...) button and click Resolve to continue with adding the medication
4. Create New Medication or Merge info with an existing one
- Double-check the Name of the Drug to make sure its the correct one
- If the medication is incorrect, please click on Reject Message to dismiss this order
- Two options to choose from
- Create new medication - Add a new medication to the list
- Merge with existing one - Update and create a new order to replace the information on the previous medication - This will discontinue the previous order
- Click Create New Medication to continue
5. Change and Add Drug Details
- Drug Name - Can be changed to show only the drug name Furosemide 20MG TAB
- Drug Route - Select the correct Route if incorrect
- Drug Strength - Might show Invalid Format change to reflect the Dr. Order
- Drug Form - Select or Change the Form of the order
- Upload Image - If the image of medications are desplayed, select the closest image of the medication
6. Changing Administration Details
- PRN (As Needed) - Not auto-selected, make sure checked this if the medication is a PRN
- Warfarin (Coumadin) - If the medication is Warfarin, check this box
- Narcotic - This will be checked if the medication is a narcotic, this option will help you keep count of the narcotics
- Sliding Scale - When adding an insulin order, check the box if you have to apply a sliding scale
- Body Area - When adding a topical cream or medication to mark where you apply it to the body, check this
- Delegated - Is the medication added delegated by a nurse?
- May Crush - If you have an order to crush the medication, check this box
- Self-Managed - If the medication is not handled by the caregiver and is in the resident's room, locked up, and is handled by the resident, check this to have it auto given
- Dosage - How many tablets are given to the resident for the current resident
- Instructions - This is the doctor's order and should be word for word what the Dr. wrote
- Reason - This might be missing and can be added if you know the reason, click the Use button to apply the reason from the database
7. Frequency
- Start Date - This is when the doctor wrote the prescription and when you want to start signing the MAR
- End Date - is when you want to auto discontinue the medication
- Frequency - How many times a day will the medication be given?
- Time of Administration - Choose the time when the medication will be given
- Track Quantity - How many tablets do you have on hand?
8. Prescriber Information
- Rx# - This will be provided by the Pharmacy
- Prescriber - If nothing is selected, Add a Primary Care Provider
9. Vital Restrictions / Health Monitoring
- Vital Restrictions - A list of vitals can be attached to the order to keep track of...
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Glucose
- Heart Rate
- Oxygen Saturation
- Respiratory Rate
- Temperature
- Weight
- Pain Management
- Bowel Movements
- Bathing
- Catheter Care
- Nail Care
- Skin Monitoring
- Range of Motion
- Food Intake
- Urine Output
10. Medication List
- Green + - the green + indicates the order was entered by the Pharmacy. Medications that do not have this were added by the staff or provider
- Pharmacy orders can still be edited if needed