The Why

  • Narcotic / Controlled Substance Discrepancy Notification: 
    Your staff member completes a narc / controlled count and enters a pill/capsule count that does not accurately correspond with what should be on hand. Whenever there's a discrepancy such as this, internal research and a Corrected Count should be conducted, rather than a standard change of shift. Toggling this setting will immediately trigger an email informing the user that a discrepancy has been detected.

    • This also gives you clear visibility on your history if there's a discrepancy:


  • Back-Charting Notification:
    Here's another scenario:
    • July 1st = 30 pills electronically recorded for Oxyxcodone order.
    • July 30th = 10 pills electronically recorded on hand for Oxycodone order.
    • Management recalls that there was an emergency incident that lead to the staff member not charting an administration back on July 10th. They decide to go and backchart the administration for that date, but now this throws the entire count off.
    • Now when back-charting occurs, the July 10th back-charted history count is labeled in yellow with: 'Count cannot be updated'; rather than tweaking the entire history count.
    • ***We did this to maintain the integrity of the pill count history, rather than altering the entire count when back-charting is triggered. This request was made by multiple customers over the years.

Let's get started!

  1. Make sure the Account Role has the permission setting toggled on. (*Pro-Tip: this permission should be more designated for Supervisors, Administrators, & Management)
  2. Click on your profile photo.
  3. Select My Settings
  4. Locate the Narc Discrepancy & Back Charting Notifications and toggle Email to start the notifications!