The Why

  • Get notified when a medication has not been charted and is overdue. Some medication administration times are not as critical, but many are. In some instances, if a medication is not administered within the scheduled time, it could lead to a resident patient becoming either immobile or having other severe issues. Our goal is to help staff create healthy habits of administering meds on time & charting on time consistently!
  • When toggling the Overdue Medication Notification, you will get notified via email and/or sms text if the following occur:
    • 9:15am Notification 
      Synkwise identifies if any medication is flagged as missed between the previous time slot of 12am - 8am.
    • 3:15pm Notification 
      Synkwise identifies if any medication is flagged as missed between the previous time slot of 12am - 2pm.
    • 9:15pm Notification 
      Synkwise identifies if any medication is flagged as missed between the previous time slot of 12am - 8pm.
    • 1:15am Notification (EMAIL ONLY) 
      Synkwise identifies if any medication is flagged as missed between the previous time slot (day) of 12am - 11:59pm.

Let's get started!

  1. Make sure the Account Role has the permission setting toggled on. (*Pro-Tip: this permission should be more designated for Supervisors, Administrators, & Management)

  2. Click on your profile photo.
  3. Select My Settings
  4. Locate Overdue Medication Notifications and toggle Email and or SMS to start the notifications!