1. Select a Resident

  • Select: a Resident from the Dashboard or from Resident Care


2. Notes (Icon)

  • Click: the Notes Icon to enter to start writing your narrative


3. New Note (+New Button)

  • Click: the +Add Note button to show the pop-up to start writing


4. The Writing Process

  • Tool Bar: change the way the text looks by using the Tool Bar 
    • Add an image from your phone or PC to the Note
  • Type: each note can be categorized into different Types to keep notes organized
  • Importance: choose from four different options Critical, Important, Routine, Low
    • Critical & Important: displays the note as a notification on the Dashboard under Notes for the staff member to acknowledge that have seen the note
    • Routine & Low: will not be displayed on the Dashboard, this just helps with categorizing as well 
  • Date & Time: can be changed to when the event happened or leave it alone
  • Save as Draft: pick up where you left off later and save when done


5. Shortcut Notes (Bottom right corner)

  • +Button: there is a shortcut to add a note by clicking the +button and selecting the Note icon to write a quick note on the resident. This can be accessed from EMAR and other sections