


1. Appointments Card

  • Created Appointments from the Task Manager will be located under the Appointments card
  • Today: represents all Appointments scheduled for the current date
  • Upcoming: represents future appointments for the current month
  • Clicking: on the Appointment will show you a pop-up to update that Appt.
  • + Button: This redirects you straight to the Task List

  • Status: When clicking on To-Do you are presented with a few options
    • Doing: Shows the Appointment as currently being done to let the other caregiver that's being worked on
    • Done: Marks the Appointment as completed and will result in a success
    • Not Completed: Let's the staff know that the Appointment ether got canceled or the resident did not go


Preview2. Alerts Card

  • Medications: When clicking View this will auto-direct you to the Med Pass for that resident
  • Health Monitor: This is connected to the Bowl Movement protocol in Health Monitor
    • When clicked, you will fill out a BM pop-up for that resident
    • The clock to remind you on the next BM will be in 72hrs
  • These Alerts can be triggered off by going to the Resident profile and going to Profile Preference
  • Alerts are shown every 72hrs, if you have missed medications from yesterday, it will still show missed


3. Resident Card

  • + Button: This allows you to create a Resident for the current Facility
  • Clicking: on the Resident pictures takes you directly to their profile
  • Expiring Documents: Notifies you when your set date triggers and displays Expired
    • Click on the document to take you directly to the folder where the file is located


4. Facility Card

  • + Button: This allows you to create a New Facility for the current Account
  • Percentage% Takes you directly to the inspection page to analyze if you are in compliance
  • Days without Incidents: When an incident report is filled out, the number resets
  • Expiring Documents: Notifies you when your set date triggers and displays Expired
    • Click on the document to take you directly to the folder where the file is located
  • Evacuation Drill: Click on View to take you directly to the Evacuation page to complete an upcoming Drill


5. Staff Card

  • + Button: This allows you to create a New Staff Member for the current Account
  • Search: Allows you to search for a staff member, not on the card
  • Click: The Staff icon to go to their account as a shortcut
  • Expiring Documents: Notifies you when your set date triggers and displays Expired


6. Notes - Under Facility

  • Notes: Written from the Facility or Resident Progress Notes flagged as critical or Important will be shown in the notes card
  • The staff member would click on View to show the Provider or Manager that they have acknowledged the note

  • Click Close to dismiss the note and clear the Notes listed


7. Medications Card

  • 5 Tabs: Show the overall status of Medications for each Resident in the Facility
  • Refills: Are listed here with Medications you triggered to monitor how many pills are on hand
  • Expiring: Shows which Medications are about to Expire
  • Refused: Listed the most recent Medications that were Refused by the Resident
  • Discontinued: Shows the most recent Discontinued Medications
  • Recent: Lists the most Recently added Medications for all Residents


8. Toggle Between Facilities

  • Click on the top Facility drop-down to switch between Facilities

  • Click on the next Facility to access the information


9. Search Bar

  • Search Bar: Allows you to search throughout the whole account for a Resident as a shortcut

  • Type: The Residents name and select the Module you wish to go for that Resident


10. Know More Button (Videos)

  • Click: The play button to access a library of help videos for specific sections within the app
    • If you're in Resident Care, you will see videos for those individual modules

  • Play: The video and watch a short tutorial on how to use Synkwise


11. Help Button

  • Ask: For help by clicking on the ? to reach one of our team members
    • You can also search for articles that are not found in the video library

  • Sending: A message is very simple, just make sure to fill out each field so the help desk can fix the issue quick

  • Attach: Any photos or files that will help with the process of elimination


12. Quick Access Center

  • Quick Access: Allows the Staff member to complete their Tasks for their working shift quickly from the Dashboard
    • Clicking on the down arrow will bring three options for that Task

  • Mark as Done: To complete the Task
  • Mark as Doing: To indicate to the team you are in the process of that Task
  • View Details: To read the important detail for that Task

  • Some Tasks: Have Health Vitals attached to them for the Staff member to complete before completing


13. Notifications

  • Get Notified: When certain things trigger the Notification Bell, click on the checkmark to dismiss them
    • Click on the gear to change any Notification settings
    • See All to dismiss all notifications


14. Profile

  • You: will find the most important setting for your personal information
    • Upload your photo, Documents, Change your Password, Email and Sign Out


15. Navigation Bar

  • Click: the 3 Lins to hold the Navigation bar out to see the text